
Wagner, R. & Stauder, A. (1991). The Clinocerinae (Diptera, Empididae) from Madeira, the Canary islands and the Azores. Bocagiana, 150: 1-14.

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Wagner, R. (1988). Psychodiden (Diptera) der Kanarischen Inseln. Stuttgarter Beitrage zur Naturkunde, 14(425): 1-14.

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Walder, C., Dick, G., Baumuller, A. & Weatherley, J. (2006). Towards European Biodiversity Monitoring: Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting of Conservation Status of European Habitats and Species. European Habitats Forum. Wien, Cambridge, Bruxelles, 84 pp.

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Walker, J. J. (1931). Notes on a Satyrine butterfly, Satyrus azorinus Strecker from the Azores. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 5: 77-81.

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Walker, S. et al. (2008). An Index of Risk as a Measure of Biodiversity Conservation Achieved through Land Reform. Conservation Biology, 22, 48-59.

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Walker, S. et al. (2009). Why bartering biodiversity fails. Conservation Letters 2, 149-157.

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Wall, l. (1994). Seltene Hymenopteren aus Mittel-, West- und Südeuropa (Hymenoptera Apocrita: Stephanoldea, Evanloidea, Trigonalyoidea). Entomofauna, Zeitschrift für Entomologie, 15(14): 137;142-145.

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Wallace, A. R. (1872), Flora and fauna of the Azores. American Naturalist, 6: 176-177

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Wallenstein, F. M., Peres, S. D. Xavier, E.D. & Neto, A.I. (2010). Phytobenthic communities of intertidal rock pools in the eastern islands of Azores and their relation to position on shore and pool morphology. Arquipelago. Life and Marine Sciences, 27: 9-20.

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Walsingham, M. A. (1908). Microlepidoptera of Tenerife. Proceedings of The Royal Society of London, 911-1035.

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Wamcke, K. (1978). Uber die westplaarküschen Arten der Bienengattung Colletes Latr. (Hymenoptera, Apoidea). Bulletin Entomologique de Pologne, 48: 329; 336-337; 346-347.

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Wamcke, K. (1992). Die westpalaarktischen Arten der Bienengattung Stelis Panzar, 1806 (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Megachilinae). Entomofauna, Zeitschrift für Entomologie. 13 (22): 341- 375.

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Warchalowski, A. (2001). A preliminary review of Western Palaearctic MacrocornaChevrolat, 1837 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae). Genus, 12 (4): 449-447.

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Ward, P.S. (2007). Phylogeny, classification, and species-level taxonomy of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zootaxa 1668: 549-563

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Warncke, K. (1968). Zur Kenntnis der Bienengattung Andrena F. auf den Kanarischen Inseln. Notulae Entomologicae, 48: 65-77.

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Warncke, K. (1973). Die westpalaarktischen Arten der Bienen familie Melittidae (Hymenoptera). Bulletin Entomologique de Pologne, 43 : 97-126.

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Warncke, K. (1974). Zur Kenntnis der Bienengattung Halictus Latr. Auf den Kanarischen Inseln (Hym., Apoidea). Viereae, 4(1-2): 201-223.

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Warncke, K. (1974). Zur Kenntnis der Bienengattung Halictus Latr. Auf den Kanarischen Inseln (Hym., Apoidea). Viereae, 4(1-2): 201-223.

Vieraea - 1974

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Warncke, K. (1975). Zur Kenntnis der Bienengattung Halictus Latr. auf den Kanarischen Inseln (Hym., Apoidea). Vieraea, 4(1-2): 201-223.

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Warncke, K. (1993). Neue Bienen von den Kanarischen Inseln (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Andrenidae und Anthophoridae Nomadinae). Veroffentlichnungen aus dem Ubersee-Museum Bremen, 12: 761-765.

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Warren, W. (1894). New genera and speciec of Geometridae. Novitatec Zoologicae, 1: 366; 437.

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Warren, W. (1905). Lepidoptera collected by W. R. Ogilvie-Grant on the Azores and Madeira in 1903. Novitates Zoologicae, 12: 439-447.

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Watson, J. E. M., Watson, A. W. T., Fischer, J., Ingram, J. C. & Whittaker, R. J. (2009). Using nestedness and species-accumulation analyses to strengthen a conservation plan for littoral forest birds in south-eastern Madagascar. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation, 1(3): 067-080.

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Wehrli, E. (1939). Un genre nouveau et quelques espèces et races nouvelles (Lep., Geometridae). Revue Francaice de Lépidoptérologie, 9(13): 234-239.

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Weigmann, G. (1976). Ergebnisse der forschungsreise auf die Azoren 1969. VIII - Oribatiden von den Azoren (Acari, Oribatei). Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, 30(130): 5-25.

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Weihrauch, F. (2011). A review of the distribution of Odonata in the Macaronesian Islands, with particular reference to the Ischnura puzzle. Journal of the British Dragonfly Society 27(1): 28-48.

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Weihrauch, F. (2011). A review of the distribution of Odonata in the Macaronesian Islands, with particular reference to the Ischnura puzzle. Journal of the British Dragonfly Society 27(1): 28-48.

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Weihrauch, F. (2011). A review of the distribution of Odonata in the Macaronesian Islands, with particular reference to the Ischnura puzzle. Journal of the British Dragonfly Society 27(1): 28-48.

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Weihrauch, F. (2011). A review of the distribution of Odonata in the Macaronesian Islands, with particular reference to the Ischnura puzzle. Journal of the British Dragonfly Society 27(1): 28-48.

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Weinberg, M. & Báez, M. (1989). Genus Neomochtherus Osten-Sacken, 1878 (Diptera, Asilidae) in the Canary Islands. Travaux du Museum d Histoire Naturelle Grigore Antipa, 30: 111-118.

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Wellenius, O. (1955). Formicidae lnsularum Canariensium. Sistemática, ecologia y distribución de los formícidos canarios. Commentationes Biologicae, Societas Scientianim Fennica, 15(8): 1-18.

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Wendt, H. (1975). Die Chloropiden-typen der dipterensammlung des Zoologisches Museums in Berlin. Mitteilungen Zoologischen Museum, 51(1): 97; 106; 117; 128.

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Werner, O., Patiño, J., Gonzalez-Mancebo, J., Gabriel, R. & Rós, R. M. (2009). The taxonomic status and the geographical relationships of the Macaronesian endemic moss Fissidens luisieri (Fissidentaceae) based on DNA sequence data. The Bryologist. 112: 315-324.

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Westenberger, A. (1996). Eine Zucht von Zizeeria knycna (Trimen 1862). Nachrichten Entomologischer Verein Apollo. 17(1): 113-114.

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Westgarth-Smith, A. (1988). Freshwater Coleoptera from the Azores. The Entomologists Monthly Magazine, 124: 185.

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Wetterer J. K., Espadaler, X., Wetterer, A. l., Aguin-Pombo, D. & Franquinho Aguiar, A. M. (2007). Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of the Madeiran archipelago. Sociobiology, 49(3): 265-297.

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Wetterer, J. K., Espadaler, X., Wetterer, A. L. & Cabral, S. G. M. (2004). Native and exotic ants of the Azores. Sociobiology, 44(1): 1-19.

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Wheeler, A.& Marshall, S. A. (1989). Aptilotus martini, a new species of the Aptilotus backerí group (Diptera: Sphaeroceridae) from caves in the Canary Islands. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 91(4): 611-614.

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Wheeler, C. T. & Dickson, J. H. (1990). Symbiotic nitrogen fixation and distribution of Spartocytisus supranubius on Las Cañadas, Tenerife. Vieraea, 19: 309-314.

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Wheeler, C. T. & Dickson, J. H. (1990). Symbiotic nitrogen fixation and distribution of Spartocytisus supranubius on Las Cañadas, Tenerife. Vieraea, 19: 309-314.

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Wheeler, W. M. (1927). The Ants of the Canary Islands. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 62: 93-120.

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Wheeler, W. M. (s.d.). Ants from the Azores. Article IX. Bulletin American Museum of Natural History, 24:169-170.

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White, E. P. & Hurlbert, A. H. (2009). The Combined Influence of the Local Environment and Regional Enrichment on Bird Species Richness. The American Naturlist, 175(2): E35-E43.

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Whittaker, R.J. and Fernández-Palacios, J.M. (2007) Island Biogeography: ecology, evolution, and conservation, 2nd edn. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

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Wiemers, M. (1993). Eine neue Gottesanbeterin der Gattung Pseudoyersinia von den Kanarixhen Inseln (Mantodea, Mantidae). Nachrichten Entomologischer Verein Apollo, 14(3): 261-269.

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Wiemers, M. (1995). The butterflies of the Canary Islands. A survey on their distribution, biology and ecology (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea). Linneana Bélgica. 15(2-3): 63-117.

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Wildpret de la Torre, W. & Martín Ososrio, V. E. (2005). Dos nuevas asociaciones para la vegetación del Parque Nacional del Teide: Poo infirmae- Saginetum stoloniferi ass. nova y Violo cheiranthifoliae- Adenocarpetum viscossi ass. nova. Vieraea, 33: 359-365.

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Wildpret de la Torre, W. & Martín Ososrio, V. E. (2005). Dos nuevas asociaciones para la vegetación del Parque Nacional del Teide: Poo infirmae- Saginetum stoloniferi ass. nova y Violo cheiranthifoliae- Adenocarpetum viscossi ass. nova. Vieraea, 33: 359-365.

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Wildpret de la Torre, W. (1986). Helianthemum juliae Wildpret, sp. nov. (Cistaceae) un nuevo endemismo canario. Vieraea, 16(1-2): 361-364.

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Wildpret de la Torre, W. (1986). Helianthemum juliae Wildpret, sp. nov. (Cistaceae) un nuevo endemismo canario. Vieraea, 16(1-2): 361-364.

Vieraea - 1986

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