SciLit_AZ is a database of Azorean publications with authors affiliated to Azorean isnstitutions, and based on the Web of Science Thomson DAtabase. It covers of all published research in the Azores for the period 1974-2014.
Pedro, Patricia I.; Ramos, Jaime A.; Neves, Veronica C.; Paiva, Vitor H. (2013) Past and present trophic position and decadal changes in diet of Yellow-legged Gull in the Azores Archipelago, NE Atlantic: European Journal of Wildlife Research, 59, 833-845. DOI:10.1007/s10344-013-0737-4 (IF2012 1,355; Q1 )
Rodrigues, Pedro; Lopes, Ricardo Jorge; Drovetski, Sergei V.; Reis, Sandra; Ramos, Jaime A.; da Cunha, Regina Tristao (2013) Phylogeography and genetic diversity of the Robin (Erithacus rubecula) in the Azores Islands: Evidence of a recent colonisation: Journal of Ornithology, 154, 889-900. DOI:10.1007/s10336-013-0953-4 (IF2012 1,632; Q2 )
Santos, M.; Moita, M. T.; Bashmachnikov, I.; Menezes, G. M.; Carmo, V.; Loureiro, C. M.; Mendonca, A.; Silva, A. F.; Martins, A. (2013) Phytoplankton: Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography, 98, 52-62. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.05.037 (IF2012 2,243; Q2 )
Garcia-Verdugo, C.; Calleja, J. A.; Vargas, P.; Silva, L.; Moreira, O.; Pulido, F. (2013) Polyploidy and microsatellite variation in the relict tree Prunus lusitanica L.: how effective are refugia in preserving genotypic diversity of clonal taxa?: Molecular Ecology, 22, 1546-1557. DOI:10.1111/mec.12194 (IF2012 6,275; Q2 )
Moreira, Orlanda C. B.; Martins, Jose M.; Sardos, Julie; Maciel, Maria Graciete B.; Silva, Luis; Moura, Monica M. T. (2013) Population genetic structure and conservation of the Azorean tree Prunus azorica (Rosaceae): Plant Systematics and Evolution, 299, 1737-1748. DOI:10.1007/s00606-013-0829-3 (IF2012 1,312; Q1 )
Martins, Jose M.; Moreira, Orlanda C. B.; Sardos, Julie; Maciel, Maria Graciete B.; Silva, Luis; Moura, Monica M. T. (2013) Population genetics and conservation of the Azorean tree Picconia azorica: Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 49, 135-143. DOI:10.1016/j.bse.2013.03.027 (IF2012 1,153; Q1 )
Moura, Monica; Silva, Luis; Caujape-Castells, Juli (2013) Population genetics in the conservation of the Azorean shrub Viburnum treleasei Gand.: Plant Systematics and Evolution, 299, 1809-1817. DOI:10.1007/s00606-013-0836-4 (IF2012 1,312; Q1 )
Mendes, V. B.; Madeira, J.; Brum da Silveira, A.; Trota, A.; Elosegui, P.; Pagarete, J. (2013) Present-day deformation in Sao Jorge Island, Azores, from episodic GPS measurements (2001-2011): Advances in Space Research, 51, 1581-1592. DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2012.10.019 (IF2012 1,183; Q1 )
Guerra, Helia; Costa, Jose Felix (2013) Processes with infinite liveness requirements: Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 82, 137-161. DOI:10.1016/j.jlap.2013.03.001 (IF2012 0,529; Q1 )
Research Areas:
Computer Science, Theory & Methods; Logic
Research Groups:
University of Azores
Accession Number:
Web of Science Categories:
Computer Science, Theory & Methods; Logic
Keywords Author:
Process Algebra; Liveness; Denotational Semantics; Operational Semantics;Semantics
Ressurreicao, Adriana; Giacomello, Eva (2013) Quantifying: Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography, 98, 209-217. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.08.005 (IF2012 2,243; Q2 )
Ferin, Rita; Pavao, Maria Leonor; Baptista, Jose (2013) Rapid, sensitive and simultaneous determination of ascorbic and uric acids in human plasma by ion-exclusion HPLC-UV: Clinical Biochemistry, 46, 665-669. DOI:10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2013.01.006 (IF2012 2,45; Q1 )