
SciLit_AZ is a database  of Azorean publications with authors affiliated to Azorean isnstitutions, and based on the Web of Science Thomson DAtabase. It covers of all published research in the Azores for the period 1974-2014.


Bento, Celeste; Almeida, Helena; Maia, Tabita M.; Relvas, Luis; Oliveira, Ana C.; Rossi, Cedric; Girodon, Francois; Fernandez-Lago, Carlos; Aguado-Diaz, Ascension; Fraga, Cristina; Costa, Ricardo M.; Araujo, Ana L.; Sil (2013) Molecular study of congenital erythrocytosis in 70 unrelated patients revealed a potential causal mutation in less than half of the cases (Where is/are the missing gene(s)?): European Journal of Haematology, 31, 361-368. DOI:10.1111/ejh.12170 (IF2012 2,548; Q1 )
Harris, D. James; Spigonardi, Maria Pia; Maia, Joao P. M. C.; Cunha, Regina T. (2013) Molecular survey of parasites in introduced Pelophylax perezi (Ranidae) water frogs in theAzores: Acta Parasitologica, 58, 607-611. DOI:10.2478/s11686-013-0176-0 (IF2012 1; Q1 )
Ros, Rosa M.; Mazimpaka, Vicente; Abou-Salama, Usama; Aleffi, Michele; Blockeel, Thomas L.; Brugues, Montserrat; Cros, Rosa Maria; Dia, Maria Giovanna; Dirkse, Gerard M.; Draper, Isabel; El-Saadawi, Wagieh; Erdag, AdnanZZZ (2013) Mosses of the Mediterranean, an annotated checklist: Cryptogamie Bryologie, 34, 99-283. DOI:10.782/cryb.v34.iss2.2013.99 (IF2012 1,039; Q1 )
Raimundo, Joana; Vale, Carlos; Caetano, Miguel; Giacomello, Eva; Anes, Barbara; Menezes, Gui M. (2013) Natural trace element enrichment in fishes from a volcanic and tectonically active region (Azores archipelago): Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography, 98, 137-147. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.02.009 (IF2012 2,243; Q2 )
Carmo, Rita; Madeira, Jose; Hipolito, Ana; Ferreira, Teresa (2013) Neotectonics of Gaciosa Island (Azores): a contribution to seismic hazard assessment of a volcanic area in a complex geodynamic setting: Annals of Geophysics, 56, 84-87. DOI:10.4401/ag-6222 (IF2012 1,138; Q1 )
Afonso, P.; Porteiro, F. M.; Fontes, J.; Tempera, F.; Morato, T.; Cardigos, F.; Santos, R. S. (2013) New and rare coastal fishes in the Azores islands: occasional events or tropicalization process?: Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice, 83, 272-294. DOI:10.1111/jfb.12162 (IF2012 2,725; Q2 )
Ellis, L. T.; Asthana, A. K.; Gupta, R.; Nath, V.; Sahu, V.; Bednarek-Ochyra, H.; Ochyra, R.; Cykowska, B.; Calvo Aranda, S.; Fischer, E.; Gabriel, R.; Gorski, P.; Gremmen, N.; Hespanhol, H.; Kurbatova, L. E.; (2013) New national and regional bryophyte records, 34: Journal of Bryology, 35, 62-70. DOI:10.1179/1743282012Y.0000000042 (IF2012 1,351; Q1 )
Ellis, L. T.; Aranda, S. C.; Asthana, A. K.; Bansal, P.; Nath, V.; Sahu, V.; Bayliss, J.; Asthana, G.; Srivastava, S.; Yadav, S.; Brugues, M.; Cano, M. J.; Dulin, M. V.; Fudali, E.; Fuertes, E.; Gabriel, R.ZZZZ (2013) New national and regional bryophyte records, 37: Journal of Bryology, 35, 290-305. DOI:10.1179/1743282013Y.0000000073 (IF2012 1,351; Q1 )
Avila, Sergio P.; Sigwart, Julia (2013) New records for the shallow-water chiton fauna (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) of the Azores (NE Atlantic): Zookeys, , 23-38. DOI:10.3897/zookeys.312.4768 (IF2012 0,864; Q1 )
Vidal, R. (2013) Non-presencial genetic counseling for BRCA1/2 families: European Journal of Cancer, 43, S317-S317. DOI: (IF2012 5,061; Q2 )
Silva, Monica A.; Prieto, Rui; Jonsen, Ian; Baumgartner, Mark F.; Santos, Ricardo S. (2013) North Atlantic Blue and Fin Whales Suspend Their Spring Migration to Forage in Middle Latitudes: Building up Energy Reserves for the Journey?: PLOS One, 8, -. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0076507 (IF2012 3,73; Q2 )
Fortino, Stefania; Genoese, Alessandra; Genoese, Andrea; Nunes, Lina; Palma, Pedro (2013) Numerical modelling of the hygro-thermal response of timber bridges during their service life: A monitoring case-study: Construction and Building Materials, 47, 1225-1234. DOI:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.06.009 (IF2012 2,293; Q2 )
Gagliardo, Anna; Bried, Joel; Lambardi, Paolo; Luschi, Paolo; Wikelski, Martin; Bonadonna, Francesco (2013) Oceanic navigation in Cory: Journal of Experimental Biology, 216, 2798-2805. DOI:10.1242/jeb.085738 (IF2012 3,2; Q2 )
Crespo, Luis Carlos; Bosmans, Robert; Cardoso, Pedro; Borges, Paulo A. V. (2013) On the endemic spider species of the genus Savigniorrhipis Wunderlich, 1992 (Araneae: Linyphiidae) in the Azores (Portugal), with description of a new species: Zootaxa, 3745, 330-342. DOI:10.11646/zootaxa.3745.3.2 (IF2012 0,974; Q2 )
Sobreira, Ines; Sousa, Catia; Raposo, Ana; Fagundes, Fernando; Dias, Ana Isabel (2013) Ophthalmoplegic Migraine With Persistent Dilated Pupil: Journal of Child Neurology, 28, 27-276. DOI:10.1177/0883073812467255 (IF2012 1,748; Q1 )
Bongiorni, Lucia; Ravara, Ascensao; Parretti, Paola; Santos, Ricardo S.; Rodrigues, Clara F.; Amaro, Teresa; Cunha, Marina R. (2013) Organic: Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography, 98, 75-86. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.08.006 (IF2012 2,243; Q2 )
Patino, Jairo; Medina, Rafael; Vanderpoorten, Alain; Gonzalez-Mancebo, Juana M.; Werner, Olaf; Devos, Nicolas; Mateo, Ruben G.; Lara, Francisco; Ros, Rosa M. (2013) Origin and fate of the single-island endemic moss Orthotrichum handiense: Journal of Biogeography, 40, 857-868. DOI:10.1111/jbi.12051 (IF2012 4,863; Q2 )
Higgins, Ruth; Isidro, Eduardo; Menezes, Gui; Correia, Alberto (2013) Otolith elemental signatures indicate population separation in deep-sea rockfish, Helicolenus dactylopterus and Pontinus kuhlii, from the: Journal of Sea Research, 83, -208. DOI:10.1016/j.seares.2013.05.014 (IF2012 1,829; Q1 )
De Frias Martins, Antonio M.; Brito, Carlos P.; Backeljau, Thierry (2013) Oxychilus (Drouetia) viridescens (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Oxychilidae), a new species from Santa Maria, Acores, and a review of the subgenus: Zootaxa, 3619, 343-358. DOI:10.11646/zootaxa.3619.3.5 (IF2012 0,974; Q2 )
Carmo, Rita; Madeira, Jose; Hipolito, Ana; Ferreira, Teresa (2013) Paleoseismological evidence for historical surface faulting in S: Annals of Geophysics, 56, 1-14. DOI:10.4401/ag-6221 (IF2012 1,138; Q1 )

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