
SciLit_AZ is a database  of Azorean publications with authors affiliated to Azorean isnstitutions, and based on the Web of Science Thomson DAtabase. It covers of all published research in the Azores for the period 1974-2014.


Elias, R. B.; Dias, E. (2009) Effects of landslides on the mountain vegetation of Flores Island, Azores: Journal of Vegetation Science, 20, 706-717. DOI: (IF2011 2,77; Q2 )
Santos, P.; Marques, A.; Antunes, G.; Chaveiro, A.; Andrade, M.; Borba, A.; da Silva, F. Moreira (2009) Effects of Plasma Urea Nitrogen Levels on the Bovine Oocyte Ability to Develop After In vitro Fertilization: Reproduction In Domestic Animals, 44, 783-787. DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0531.2008.01075.x (IF2011 1,356; Q1 )
Silva, Monica A.; Magalhaes, Sara; Prieto, Rui; Santos, Ricardo Serrao; Hammond, Philip S. (2009) Estimating survival and abundance in a bottlenose dolphin population taking into account transience and temporary emigration: Marine Ecology Progress Series, 392, 263-276. DOI:10.3354/meps08233 (IF2011 2,711; Q3 )
Micael, J.; Alves, M. J.; Costa, A. C.; Jones, M. B. (2009) Exploitation and Conservation of Echinoderms: Oceanography and Marine Biology, 47, 191-208. DOI: (IF2011 2,727; Q2 )
Albergaria, Andre; Paredes, Joana; Sousa, Barbara; Milanezi, Fernanda; Carneiro, Vitor; Bastos, Joana; Costa, Sandra; Vieira, Daniella; Lopes, Nair; Lam, Eric W.; Lunet, Nuno; Schmitt, Fernando (2009) Expression of FOXA1 and GATA-3 in breast cancer: the prognostic significance in hormone receptor-negative tumours: Breast Cancer Research, 11, -. DOI:10.1186/bcr2327 (IF2011 5,245; Q2 )
Lopes, M. S.; Diesterbeck, U.; Machado, A. da Camara; Distl, O. (2009) Fine mapping a quantitative trait locus on horse chromosome 2 associated with radiological signs of navicular disease in Hanoverian warmblood horses: Animal Genetics, 40, 955-957. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2052.2009.01923.x (IF2011 2,403; Q2 )
Hamer, K. C.; Humphreys, E. M.; Magalhaes, M. C.; Garthe, S.; Hennicke, J.; Peters, G.; Gremillet, D.; Skov, H.; Wanless, S. (2009) Fine-scale foraging behaviour of a medium-ranging marine predator: Journal of Animal Ecology, 78, 880-889. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2656.2009.01549.x (IF2011 4,937; Q2 )
Garrao, A. Paula; McAlister, Donald B. (2009) Finite subgroups of a-semilatticed inverse semigroups: Semigroup Forum, 78, 187-199. DOI:10.1007/s00233-008-9092-2 (IF2011 0,73; Q1 )
Bried, Joel; Dubois, Marie-Pierre; Jouventin, Pierre (2009) First Case of Female-female Pairing in a Burrow-nesting Seabird: Waterbirds, 32, 590-596. DOI:10.1675/063.032.0413 (IF2011 0,757; Q1 )
Pham, Christopher K.; Carreira, Gilberto P.; Porteiro, Filipe M.; Goncalves, Joao M.; Cardigos, Frederico; Martins, Helen R. (2009) First description of spawning in a deep water loliginid squid, Loligo forbesi (Cephalopoda: Myopsida): Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 89, 171-177. DOI:10.1017/S0025315408002415 (IF2011 1; Q1 )
Woodall, L. C.; Koldewey, H. J.; Santos, S. V.; Shaw, P. W. (2009) First occurrence of the lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus in the eastern Atlantic Ocean: Journal of Fish Biology, 75, 1505-1512. DOI:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2009.02371.x (IF2011 1,685; Q1 )
Cardoso, Pedro; Scharff, Nikolaj (2009) First record of the spider family Symphytognathidae in Europe and description of Anapistula ataecina sp. n. (Araneae): Zootaxa, 2246, 45-57. DOI: (IF2011 0,927; Q2 )
Olsen, Erik; Budgell, W. Paul; Head, Erica; Kleivane, Lars; N (2009) First satellite-tracked long-distance movement of a sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis) in the North Atlantic: Aquatic Mammals, 35, 313-318. DOI:10.1578/AM.35.3.2009 (IF2011 ; Q1 )
Galtes, Ignasi; Jordana, Xavier; Manyosa, Joan; Malgosa, Assumpcio (2009) Functional Implications of Radial Diaphyseal Curvature: American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 138, 286-292. DOI:10.1002/ajpa.20926 (IF2011 2,824; Q1 )
Elias, Rui Bento; Dias, Eduardo (2009) Gap dynamics and regeneration strategies in Juniperus-Laurus forests of the Azores Islands: Plant Ecology, 200, 179-189. DOI:10.1007/s11258-008-9442-x (IF2011 1,829; Q1 )
Rapicetta, Silvia; Zanon, Vittorio (2009) GIS-based method for the environmental vulnerability assessment to volcanic ashfall at Etna Volcano: Geoinformatica, 13, 267-276. DOI:10.1007/s10707-008-0061-4 (IF2011 1,143; Q1 )
Zanon, Vittorio; Pacheco, Jose; Pimentel, Adriano (2009) Growth and evolution of an emergent tuff cone: Considerations from structural geology, geomorphology and facies analysis of Sao Roque volcano, S: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 180, 277-291. DOI:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.09.018 (IF2011 1,978; Q2 )
Pham, Christopher K.; Isidro, Eduardo (2009) Growth and Mortality of Common Octopus (Octopus Vulgaris) Fed a Monospecific Fish Diet: Journal of Shellfish Research, 28, 617-623. DOI:10.2983/035.028.0326 (IF2011 0,793; Q1 )
Jean-Baptiste, P.; Allard, P.; Coutinho, R.; Ferreira, T.; Fourre, E.; Queiroz, G.; Gaspar, J. L. (2009) Helium isotopes in hydrothermal volcanic fluids of the Azores archipelago: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 281, 70-80. DOI:10.1016/j.epsl.2009.02.009 (IF2011 4,18; Q2 )
Silva, Monica A.; Brito, Cristina; Santos, Sara V.; Barreiros, Joao Pedro (2009) Historic and recent occurrences of pinnipeds in the Archipelago of the Azores: Mammalia, 73, 60-62. DOI:10.1515/MAMM.2009.008 (IF2011 0,808; Q1 )

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