
SciLit_AZ is a database  of Azorean publications with authors affiliated to Azorean isnstitutions, and based on the Web of Science Thomson DAtabase. It covers of all published research in the Azores for the period 1974-2014.


Lameiras, G.; Fontiela, J.; Borges, P.; Calado, H.; Vieira, O.; Rangel, B.; Gallagher, A. (2009) Coastal hazards of Faja do Calhau (S: Journal of Coastal Research, SI56, 827-831. DOI: (IF2011 0,766; Q1 )
Bini, L. Mauricio; Diniz-Filho, J. Alexandre F.; Rangel, Thiago F. L. V. B.; Akre, Thomas S. B.; Albaladejo, Rafael G.; Albuquerque, Fabio S.; Aparicio, Abelardo; Araujo, Miguel B.; Baselga, Andres; Beck, Jan; Isabel Bellocq, (2009) Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression: Ecography, 32, 193-204. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-0587.2009.05717.x (IF2011 4,188; Q2 )
Borzacchiello, G.; Resendes, A. R.; Roperto, S.; Roperto, F. (2009) Co-expression of Bovine Papillomavirus E5 and E7 Oncoproteins in Naturally Occurring Carcinomas of the Urinary Bladder in Cattle: Journal of Comparative Pathology, 141, 84-88. DOI:10.1016/j.jcpa.2009.03.003 (IF2011 1,647; Q1 )
Purcell, Shaun M.; Wray, Naomi R.; Stone, Jennifer L.; Visscher, Peter M.; O'Donovan, Michael C.; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Sklar, Pamela; Ruderfer, Douglas M.; McQuillin, Andrew; Morris, Derek W.; O'Dushlaine, Colm T.; Corvin (2009) Common polygenic variation contributes to risk of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: Nature, 460, 748-752. DOI:10.1038/nature08185 (IF2011 36,28; Q2 )
Agarwal, Ravi P.; Pinelas, Sandra; Wong, Patricia J. Y. (2009) Complementary Lidstone Interpolation and Boundary Value Problems: Journal of Inequalities and Applications, , -. DOI:10.1155/2009/624631 (IF2011 0,726; Q1 )
Rumeu, Beatriz; Nogales, Manuel; Elias, Rui B.; Padilla, David P.; Resendes, Tiago; Rodriguez, Airam; Valdes, Francisco; Dias, Eduardo (2009) Contrasting phenology and female cone characteristics of the two Macaronesian island endemic cedars (Juniperus cedrus and J. brevifolia): European Journal of Forest Research, 128, 567-574. DOI:10.1007/s10342-009-0304-4 (IF2011 1,982; Q1 )
Santos, J. A.; Guilherme, L.; Fortes, C. J.; Pinheiro, L.; Simoes, A. (2009) Coupling Numerical Models for Wave Propagation in the MOIA Package: Journal of Coastal Research, SI56, 544-548. DOI: (IF2011 0,766; Q1 )
Elias, R. B.; Dias, E. (2009) Cyclic patch dynamics in a Macaronesian island forest: Community Ecology, 10, 25-34. DOI:10.1556/ComEc.10.2009.1.4 (IF2011 1,679; Q1 )
Ramalho, Anabela S.; Lewandowska, Marzena A.; Farinha, Carlos M.; Mendes, Filipa; Goncalves, Juan; Barreto, Celeste; Harris, Ann; Amaral, Margarida D. (2009) Deletion of CFTR Translation Start Site Reveals Functional Isoforms of the Protein in CF Patients: Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 24, 5-6. DOI:10.1159/000257426 (IF2011 2,857; Q2 )
Menezes, Gui M.; Rosa, Alexandra; Melo, Octavio; Pinho, Mario R. (2009) Demersal fish assemblages off the Seine and Sedlo seamounts (northeast Atlantic): Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography, 56, 2683-2704. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.12.028 (IF2011 2,277; Q2 )
Knutsen, Halvor; Catarino, Diana; Sannaes, Hanne; Stefanni, Sergio (2009) Development of eleven microsatellite loci in the deep-sea black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo): Conservation Genetics Resources, 1, 89-92. DOI:10.1007/s12686-009-9021-z (IF2011 0,485; Q1 )
Fuertes, Marina; Faria, Anabela; Soares, Helia; Crittenden, Patricia (2009) Developmental and evolutionary assumptions in a study about the impact of premature birth and low income on mother-infant interaction: Acta Ethologica, 12, 1-11. DOI:10.1007/s10211-008-0051-4 (IF2011 1,353; Q1 )
Cuvelier, Daphne; Sarrazin, Joze; Colaco, Ana; Copley, Jon; Desbruyeres, Daniel; Glover, Adrian G.; Tyler, Paul; Santos, Ricardo Serrao (2009) Distribution and spatial variation of hydrothermal faunal assemblages at Lucky Strike (Mid-Atlantic Ridge) revealed by high-resolution video image analysis: Deep-Sea Research Part I - Oceanographic Research Papers, 56, 2026-2040. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr.2009.06.006 (IF2011 2,421; Q2 )
Maria Gonzalez-Mancebo, Juana; Patino, Jairo; Werner, Olaf; de Almeida Gabriel, Rosalina Maria; Maria Ros, Rosa (2009) Distribution patterns of Leucodon species in Macaronesia, with special reference to the Canary Islands: Cryptogamie Bryologie, 30, 185-197. DOI: (IF2011 0,779; Q1 )
Mohn, Christian; White, Martin; Bashmachnikov, Igor; Jose, Felix; Pelegri, Josep L. (2009) Dynamics at an elongated, intermediate depth seamount in the North Atlantic (Sedlo Seamount, 40 degrees 20 ' N, 26 degrees 40 ' W): Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography, 56, 2582-2592. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.12.037 (IF2011 2,277; Q2 )
Villegas-Rios, David; Martinez, Alejandro; Maria Palmero, Ana; Azevedo, Jose Manuel N. (2009) Early development stages of the red blenny, Parablennius ruber (Teleostei: Blenniidae): Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 89, 605-608. DOI:10.1017/S0025315408002646 (IF2011 1; Q1 )
Barros, Carlos Pestana; Santos, Carlos M. (2009) Earnings of hotel managers: comparing the human and social capital approach: Tourism Economics, 15, 87-103. DOI: (IF2011 0,579; Q1 )
Wallenstein, Francisco M.; Torrao, Daniel F.; Neto, Ana I.; Wilkinson, Martin; Rodrigues, Armindo S. (2009) Effect of exposure time on the bioaccumulation of Cd, Mg, Mn and Zn in Cystoseira abies-marina samples subject to shallow water hydrothermal activity in S: Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective, 30, 118-122. DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0485.2009.00322.x (IF2011 1,836; Q1 )
Chaveiro, A.; da Silva, F. Moreira (2009) Effect of Oestrous Cycle on the Oxidative Burst Activity of Blood Polymorphonuclear Leucocytes in Cows: Reproduction In Domestic Animals, 44, 900-906. DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0531.2008.01114.x (IF2011 1,356; Q1 )
Carreiro-Silva, M.; McClanahan, T. R.; Kiene, W. E. (2009) Effects of inorganic nutrients and organic matter on microbial euendolithic community composition and microbioerosion rates: Marine Ecology Progress Series, 392, 1-15. DOI:10.3354/meps08251 (IF2011 2,711; Q3 )

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