SciLit_AZ is a database of Azorean publications with authors affiliated to Azorean isnstitutions, and based on the Web of Science Thomson DAtabase. It covers of all published research in the Azores for the period 1974-2014.
Halary, Sebastien; Riou, Virginie; Gaill, Francoise; Boudier, Thomas; Duperron, Sebastien (2008) 3D FISH for the quantification of methane- and sulphur-oxidizing endosymbionts in bacteriocytes of the hydrothermal vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus: ISME Journal, 2, 284-292. DOI:10.1038/ismej.2008.3 (IF2011 7,375; Q2 )
Research Areas:
Ecology; Microbiology
Research Groups:
University of Azores
Accession Number:
Web of Science Categories:
Ecology; Microbiology
Keywords Author:
3D Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization; Bacteriocyte; Bathymodiolus; Methane-Oxidizing Bacteria; Sulphur-Oxidizing Bacteria; Symbiosis
Machado, Leonardo F.; Barreiros, Joao Pedro (2008) A previously undescribed following association between juvenile dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus (Serranidae) and Octopus vulgaris: Cybium, 32, 187-188. DOI: (IF2011 0,404; Q1 )
Roberto D (2008) Activating KIR genes are associated with ankylosing spondylitis in Asian populations.: Human Immunology, 69, 437-442. DOI:10.1016/j.humimm.2008.04.012 (IF2011 2,837; Q1 )
Research Areas:
Research Groups:
Hosp Santo Espirito (TER)
Accession Number:
Web of Science Categories:
Keywords Author:
Kir Genes; Hla-1327; Susceptibility; Ankylosing Spondylitis; Populations
Wallenstein, Francisco M.; Neto, Ana I.; Alvaro, Nuno V.; Santos, Catarina I. (2008) Algae-based biotopes of the Azores (Portugal): spatial and seasonal variation: Aquatic Ecology, 42, 547-559. DOI:10.1007/s10452-007-9134-y (IF2011 1,365; Q1 )
Barros, Carlos Pestana; de Menezes, Antonio Gomes; Peypoch, Nicolas; Solonandrasana, Bernardin; Vieira, Jose Cabral (2008) An analysis of hospital efficiency and productivity growth using the Luenberger indicator: Health Care Management Science, 11, 373-381. DOI:10.1007/s10729-007-9043-6 (IF2011 1,049; Q1 )
Raghukumar, C.; Mohandass, C.; Cardigos, F.; D'Costa, P. M.; Santos, R. S.; Colaco, A. (2008) Assemblage of benthic diatoms and culturable heterotrophs in shallow-water hydrothermal vent of the D. Joao de Castro Seamount, Azores in the Atlantic Ocean: Current Science, 95, 1715-1723. DOI: (IF2011 0,935; Q1 )
Floeter, S. R; Rocha, L. A; Robertson, D. R; Joyeux, J. C; Smith-Vaniz, W. F; Wirtz, P.; Edwards, A. J; Barreiros, J. P; Ferreira, C. E. L; Gasparini, J. L; Brito, A.; Falc (2008) Atlantic reef fish biogeography and evolution: Journal of Biogeography, 35, 22-47. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2007.01790.x (IF2011 4,544; Q2 )
Elbelrhiti, H.; Andreotti, B.; Claudin, P. (2008) Barchan dune corridors: Field characterization and investigation of control parameters: Journal of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 113, -. DOI:10.1029/2007JF000767 (IF2011 3,021; Q2 )
Rodrigues, Armindo; Cunha, Luis; Amaral, Andre; Medeiros, Jorge; Garcia, Patricia (2008) Bioavailability of heavy metals and their effects on the midgut cells of a phytopaghous insect inhabiting volcanic environments: Science of the Total Environment, 406, 116-122. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2008.07.069 (IF2011 3,286; Q2 )
Research Areas:
Environmental Sciences
Research Groups:
University of Azores
Accession Number:
Web of Science Categories:
Environmental Sciences
Keywords Author:
Phytophagous Insect; Midgut; Heavy Metals; Bioavailability; Apoptosis
Cunha, Luis; Amaral, Andre; Medeiros, Vera; Martins, Gustavo M.; Wallenstein, Francisco F. M. M.; Couto, Ruben P.; Neto, Ana I.; Rodrigues, Armindo (2008) Bioavailable metals and cellular effects in the digestive gland of marine limpets living close to shallow water hydrothermal vents: Chemosphere, 71, 1356-1362. DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2007.11.022 (IF2011 3,206; Q2 )
Barreiros, J. P.; Haddad, Jr, V (2008) Bite by moray eel: Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 14, 541-545. DOI: (IF2011 0,429; Q1 )
Research Areas:
Toxicology; Tropical Medicine; Zoology
Research Groups:
University of Azores
Accession Number:
Web of Science Categories:
Toxicology; Tropical Medicine; Zoology
Keywords Author:
Dangerous Marine Fish; Moray Eels; Bites In Humans
Santos, P.; Chaveiro, A.; Simoes, N.; Moreira da Silva, F. (2008) Bovine Oocyte Quality in Relation to Ultrastructural Characteristics of Zona Pellucida, Polyspermic Penetration and Developmental Competence: Reproduction In Domestic Animals, 43, 685-689. DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0531.2007.00970.x (IF2011 1,356; Q1 )
Bettencourt, Raul; Dando, Paul; Rosa, Domitilia; Riou, Virginie; Colaco, Ana; Sarrazin, Jozee; Sarradin, Pierre-Marie; Santos, Ricardo Serrao (2008) Changes of gill and hemocyte-related bio-indicators during long term maintenance of the vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus held in aquaria at atmospheric pressure: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 150, 1-7. DOI:10.1016/j.cbpa.2008.02.020 (IF2011 2,235; Q2 )