SciLit_AZ is a database of Azorean publications with authors affiliated to Azorean isnstitutions, and based on the Web of Science Thomson DAtabase. It covers of all published research in the Azores for the period 1974-2014.
Moujir, Laila; Seca, Ana M. L.; Silva, Artur M. S.; Lopez, Manuel R.; Padilla, Nayely; Cavaleiro, Jose A. S.; Neto, Carlos P. (2007) Cytotoxic activity of lignans from Hibiscus cannabinus: Fitoterapia, 78, 385-387. DOI:10.1016/j.fitote.2007.03.010 (IF2011 1,848; Q1 )
Xavier, Joana; van Soest, Rob (2007) Demosponge fauna of Ormonde and Gettysburg Seamounts (Gorringe Bank, north-east Atlantic): diversity and zoogeographical affinities: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 87, 1643-1653. DOI:10.1017/S0025315407058584 (IF2011 1; Q1 )
Spinola, Helder; Bruges-Armas, Jacome; Brehm, Antonio (2007) Discrepancies in HLA typing by PCR-SSOP and SBT techniques: A case study: Human Biology, 79, 537-543. DOI: (IF2011 1,312; Q1 )
Marques, A.; Antunes, G.; Santos, P.; Chaveiro, A.; da Silva, F. Moreira (2007) Effect of alpha-tocopherol on in vitro culture of bovine embryos: Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 87, 539-542. DOI: (IF2011 0,77; Q1 )
Teves-Costa, Paula; Oliveira, Carlos S.; Senos, M. Luisa (2007) Effects of local site and building parameters on damage distribution in Angra do Heroismo-Azores: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27, 986-999. DOI:10.1016/j.soildyn.2007.03.006 (IF2011 1,21; Q1 )
Camacho, Antonio G.; Nunes, J. Carlos; Ortiz, Esther; Franca, Zilda; Vieira, Ricardo (2007) Gravimetric determination of an intrusive complex under the Island of Faial (Azores): some methodological improvements: Geophysical Journal International, 171, 478-494. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03539.x (IF2011 2,42; Q1 )
Morato, T.; Afonso, P.; Carvalho, N.; Lourinho, P.; Santos, R. S.; Krug, H. M.; Nash, R. D. M. (2007) Growth, reproduction and recruitment patterns of the wide-eyed flounder, Bothus podas Delaroche (Pisces: Bothidae), from the Azores: Marine Biology Research, 3, 403-411. DOI:10.1080/17451000701712331 (IF2011 1,055; Q1 )
Research Areas:
Ecology; Marine & Freshwater Biology
Research Groups:
University of Azores
Accession Number:
Web of Science Categories:
Ecology; Marine & Freshwater Biology
Keywords Author:
Bothus Podas; Growth; Insular Populations; Maturity; Sex Ratio; Spawning
Beaumont, N. J.; Austen, M. C.; Atkins, J. P.; Burdon, D.; Degraer, S.; Dentinho, T. P.; Derous, S.; Holm, P.; Horton, T.; van Ierland, E.; Marboe, A. H.; Starkey, D. J.; Townsend, M.; Zarzycki, T. (2007) Identification, definition and quantification of goods and services provided by marine biodiversity: Implications for the ecosystem approach: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 54, 253-265. DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2006.12.003 (IF2011 2,503; Q2 )
Wise, Laura; Silva, Alexandra; Ferreira, Marisa; Silva, Monica A.; Sequeira, Marina (2007) Interactions between small cetaceans and the purse-seine fishery in western Portuguese waters: Scientia Marina, 71, 405-412. DOI: (IF2011 1,278; Q1 )