Island Biology Interest Group

Island biogeography is recently going through an exciting period of new developments. Many of such advances are being made by different Portuguese and Spanish research groups, and/or from studies developed in the archipelagos associated with the two Iberian countries (e.g. Macaronesia and Mediterranean Islands).

The IBIG is newly created group within the two Iberian a associations of ecology - AEET (Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre) and SPECO (Sociedade Portuguesa de Ecologia) – that aims to promote the collaboration between researchers interested on island systems.

Main Goals

-Foster the integration of knowledge between researchers working on different organisms and island systems.

-Establish a contact network between those that are interested in any research area related with islands that will facilitate the interchange of ideas and data.
-Promote collaborations between researchers, that might eventual lead to the establishment of new collaboration and/or the development of joint research projects
-Promote symposia, workshops and courses about island research


-Mailing list that facilitates communication between the members of the group 
-Webpage of the group, where all members can include information about their research interests (currently under development)
-Annual/Biannual meetings between the members
-Development of joint grant proposals and publications.